RuleXXXEvent Properties

LastExecutedTime as DateTime

Returns date and time of last execution.

EventType as Byte

[read only] Returns type of event:

0 - RuleScriptEvent
1 - RuleProcessEvent

ExecuteTypeOperand as Integer

Returns period of execution. Can't be equal to 0.

ExecuteType as Integer

Returns type of period of execution, depends on ExecuteTypeOperand:

1 - Before Rule counters reset
2 - Every ExecuteTypeOperand hour(s)
3 - Every ExecuteTypeOperand day(s)
4 - Every ExecuteTypeOperand week(s)
5 - Every ExecuteTypeOperand month(s)
6 - Every ExecuteTypeOperand year(s)

Enabled as Boolean

If False - event skipped.

Name as String

Short name of event. Can has any symbols.

Description as String

Description of event.

ScriptFileName as String

THIS PROPERTY EXISTS ONLY IN RuleScriptEvent! (EventType = 0).

Returns neme of script file. Here can be used special variables.

ScriptLanguage as String

THIS PROPERTY EXISTS ONLY IN RuleScriptEvent! (EventType = 0).

Returns or sets language of script, defined by ScriptFileName.

For example: "VBScript" or "JScript".

CommandLine as String

THIS PROPERTY EXISTS ONLY IN RuleProcessEvent! (EventType = 1).

Executable file path, name and command line parameters. Here can be used special variables.


"C:\MY TOOLS\DBLog.exe" -%LH_IN% -%LH_OUT%

Note: if executable path or name contains spaces - it should be quoted.