NAT table options

Warning: this page options for advanced users only!



Entries count limit - maximum entries in the internal NAT table. Note: in the NAT table stored not only NAT items. In the NAT table stored also connections, if in some rule  connections limit defined.
TCP entries timeout (milliseconds) - defines time in milliseconds units for inactive TCP entries.
UDP, ICMP and other entries timeout (milliseconds) - defines time in milliseconds units for inactive entries for all protocols exclude TCP.
Remove closed TCP entries after (milliseconds) - defines time in milliseconds units for removal closed TCP connections. TCP connection closed if packet with TCP_RST or TCP_FIN flags recieved.
Ports range for automatic ports translation - defines ports range for NAPT. This values used if in the rule defined automatic source port replacing/translation.


You can change these options on your needs and press "Apply" button for saving.