Routix NetCom history
Version 2.2:
- Changed: Console coomunication speed increased, traffic reduced;
- Fixed: Console errors handling bag;
- Fixed: Cycled error message in case of wrong password during connection to service;
- Fixed: HTTP proxy URLs handling;
- Fixed: Service options -> Other: LAN Interfaces checking/unchecking bag;
- Added: Possibility of creation portable console version through console main menu;
- Added: New performance counters in console left-bottom corner: NAT connections count and system uptime;
- Added: Blocked URL connections showed in NAT table viewer;
- Changed: NAT table performance slightly improved;
- Added: Scripting: TrafficFilter.CreateOleObject method which provides creation of any system-registered automation object;
- Fixed: Scripting: Bag when script language other than VBScript;
- Fixed: Scripting: Errors handling bag.
Version 2.1:
- Fixed: NAT-table freezing and NAT-table view errors;
- Fixed: Service incorrect handles entering to the "sleep" mode and Wake-On-Lan "magic" packets;
- Fixed: Some RPC engine errors fixed;
- Added: Blocked HTTP requests can be redirected to other specified URL now (see rule URLs blocking page);
- Added: Scripting: Rule.RedirectBlockedURLTo property.
Version 2.0:
- Changed: Connection node expanded automatically now.
- Added: HTTP URL's showed in NAT table.
- Added: Connection traffic showed in NAT table.
- Changed: Important! The rules behaviour is changed: Earlier if conditions on IP and/or Ports have been set and the condition on the ARP-protocol was simultaneously used - ARP-packets did not get under a condition because conditions on IP and Ports are specified (ARP protocol does not have IP and Ports). Now the rule handles ARP-packets irrespective of conditions on IP and Ports.
- Added: HTTP URL blocking.
- Added: URL groups tab in service options.
- Added: Logging NAT-connections to file.
- Added: Scripting: New property: TrafficFilter.URLLists.
- Added: Scripting: New property: TrafficFilter.HTTPPorts.
- Added: Scripting: New property: TrafficFilter.NATLog.
- Added: Scripting: New property: Rule.URLGroups.
- Added: Scripting: New property: Rule.ActionURLGroups.
- Changed: Scripting: Important! TrafficFilter.NATTable.GetRows changed: return array has two new elements - traffic, URL.
Version 1.9:
- Fixed: Bandwidth limiting bag.
- Changed: Bandwidth can be limited by rules with packet action "None" also.
- Added: Dynamic bandwidth limiting.
- Changed: Swap "OK" and "Cancel" buttons in dialogs.
- Added: Rule name showed in the header of rule editor window.
- Added: Rules can be enabled/disabled from rules list.
- Added: Scripting: New Rule functions: StatLastXXX.
- Added: Scripting: New Rule properties: DynBandwidthXXX.
- Changed: Screenshots updated in the manual.
Version 1.8:
- Fixed: NAT: If connections limit and NAT used together - NAT works wrong in some cases.
- Fixed: NAT: In some cases automatic source NAT works wrong if destination IP address changed by rule also.
- Changed: NAT: Improved handling ICMP protocol by NAT table. Now tools like traceroute (tracert) works correctly.
- Added: Scripting: New properties of TrafficFilter object: IsFirstLaunch, LANInterfaces, LANRanges.
- Added: Service listen port for console connections now logged to the system event log at service start.
- Changed: When service installed first time - all network interfaces now enabled for filtering by default.
- Added: If password for service is empty (by default) - console shows warning message when connected to service.
- Added: Console now have configuration wizard to configure program as NAT router.
- Added: New service configuration page for configuration LAN IP addresses ranges and interfaces.
- Added: Console try to detect user interface language automatically now at first console start. But language can be changed manually. If current system language does not supported by console translations - language settled to English.
Version 1.7:
- Added: Russian language support (console main menu File -> Languages).
- Added: If in freeware version created more than 5 rules, rules which ignored have red icon and text "Ignored! Freeware version restriction - 5 rules!". Earlier the user was not notified on creation of rules over restriction.
- Fixed: Some errors in help file.
- Fixed: Console "deadlocks" on the slow network links.
- Changed: IpHlp API now loaded dynamically. Now service can work without IpHlp API installed.
- Changed: Memory management improved.
- Added: Sending packets to TCP/IP stack possible now (see Bridge / Redirect action).
- Fixed: Console error on Windows shutdown/exit session.
Version 1.6:
- Fixed: "Path not found" error when console starts.
- Added: Now possible to change TCP listen port for console connections.
- Added: Replace source IP address and source port automatically. Now possible NAT with dynamic IP addresses.
- Fixed: NAT table rows retrieving and entries filter.
- Added: NAT table options page.
- Added: Scripting: New NATTable properties: ItemTimeoutMSecTCPClosed, PortsLo, PortsHi.
- Added: Scripting: New Rule properties: ActionRouteSourceIPAuto, ActionRouteSourcePortAuto.
- Changed: This manual updated. Added some scripting samples, added example of automatic NAT, screenshots updated.
- Added: If version is freeware - word "Freeware" after connection name showed in the connections tree.
- Fixed: Some variant arrays not wrong handled by RPC engine.
Version 1.5:
- Changed: RPC (Remote Procedure Call) engine rewrited and optimized. Now console<->service communications more faster (up to 50-70 times) and stable. Also all remote console communications now is compressed and encrypted.
- Added: Now possible to limit connections count per rule.
- Added: Scripting: New Rule properties: CurrentTCPConnectionsCount, CurrentOtherConnectionsCount, CurrentIPConnectionsCount, ConditionTCPConnectionsOperator, ConditionOtherConnectionsOperator, ConditionIPConnectionsOperator, ConditionTCPConnectionsOperand, ConditionOtherConnectionsOperand, ConditionIPConnectionsOperand. See Rule properties fore more information.
- Fixed: Handling decimal separator in the rule editor. No more "invalid counter value" errors.
- Fixed: If system performance counters works wrong - console don't works also.
- Added: New COM object properties: Compress, MinPacketSizeForCompress, EnableCallbacks.
- Added: Now console window can be minimized to the system tray.
- Added: Now you can view NAT table content. Filtering by rule name and source address allowed with masks, like "192.168.*".
- Changed: Internal logic of bridging more intellectual now.
- Fixed: In some cases NAT does not works.
- Changed: NAT logic. Now NAT more intellectual.
- Added: Scripting: New object NATTable.
- Added: Scripting: TrafficFilter.NATTable property for access to the internal NAT table.
- Fixed: Rules list update and select problems.
- Added: Scripting: TrafficFilter.IsFreeware property.
- Added: Scripting: TrafficFilter.Params property.
- Added: Scripting: TrafficFilter.ListenPort property.
- Added: Scripting: ComObject.Port property.
Version 1.4:
- Changed: Now is possible add data about packet to the NAT table if rule packet action "None" or "Allow".
- Changed: Manual updated.
- Fixed: Bug: In the some cases rules with enabled NAT counts traffic wrong and bandwidth limit works wrong (in one direction only).
- Added: Scripting: Documentation: Added description of COM object.
- Fixed: Scripting: Query and set operations on Rule.ActionRouteBridgeInterfaces and Rule.ConditionInterfaces now is valid.
- Fixed: Scripting: Exception raised when try to get any value of type "Byte". All val